Fees per session: Sessions cost R935 per 50 minute session for 2023, in accordance with current medical aid rates. Payments can be made via EFT, and then claimed back from your medical aid, depending on your medical aid's rules and regulations. For Discovery, CAMAF and Discovery-administered funds, claims can be made directly by the practice, provided you have appropriate funds available.
Prescribed Minimum Benefits: By law in South Africa, medical aids must provide some coverage for certain mental health conditions, even if you are only on a hospital plan. During your intake session, it will be assessed as to whether you are eligible for Prescribed Minimum Benefits coverage, in which case an application can be made to your medical aid. However, not all applications will be successful, and the amount of coverage provided will depend on your medical aid's decision.
Please note that medical aids are cutting back on what they are willing to cover, so you will need to check with them to see how many sessions etc. they are prepared to cover you for, and whether your sessions with a Counselling Psychologist will be covered.